
Let’s face it. Cryptocurrency has become a popular industry in the past few years. Many people have entered this space as either investors, traders, content creators, or all of these.

If you’re a content creator or a thought leader who publishes a crypto website, it’s important to keep the readers engaged while providing valuable insights. It’s a key to growing your crypto blog page and a way to establish yourself as a trusted individual in the field. This can be done by choosing the right topics that fellow crypto enthusiasts can relate to.

Here are eight blog topic ideas you can do for your crypto website.

1. How-to-Guides

With Bitcoin’s success, many people are probably trying to enter the space as well. But not all of them are versed in this venture. As someone who has experience and knowledge in crypto, it would be great to post various how-to guides to help new crypto investors with their endeavors.

2. Personal Experience

Share your personal experience in the crypto market. You can post points that others should and should not do based on what you’ve learned so far. Many can easily relate to this type of content, which can lead to more traffic to your website.

3. Comparisons

Bitcoin or Ethereum? Cardano or Polygon? Binance or Crypto.com? Which ones should a new investor choose? Offer your insights by writing a blog comparing the different coins and exchanges. This will provide a fresh perspective to both newbies and veteran traders.

4. Cryptocurrency apps

Along with the comparison of different coins and exchanges, the platform is also an important part of cryptocurrency investing. Help your readers figure out which type of crypto trading platform works best for them. In a blog, you can list down the best cryptocurrency apps and platforms, as well as their features and highlights.

5. Terms and definitions

Crypto can be daunting for beginners, especially when encountering new terminology and jargon. Write a blog detailing cryptocurrency terms and their definitions. Not only will this help you reach a new audience and get them to familiarize themselves with crypto terms. This will also keep your current readers and pro traders updated. 

6. Cryptocurrency trends

Cryptocurrency is a diverse space that is constantly changing. This past year alone has seen the industry go through bumps and falling prices, and it is now expected to rise again. Keep up with the trends and share them on your blog. Investors and other crypto enthusiasts will appreciate any new insights and predictions that will help them navigate the space.

7. Common scams 

Because crypto is such a new method of investing, it can also be a beacon for scammers, phishers, and more. Offer your audience an informational blog where you list down the common scams in cryptocurrency. Tell them what red flags they should look for and give them tips on how they can avoid being scammed, whether they are beginners or pros.

8. Best and worst investments

Investing is a constant learning process, and cryptocurrency investing is even more so. Enthusiasts will naturally want to learn about the best and worst investments made in cryptocurrency history. This can be a good blog topic for your website and can get your readers to learn from the best decisions and the mistakes made.

Building your crypto website can take time and effort. However, these content ideas can surely make an engaging and insightful blog for your visitors to come to. 

Need help writing your crypto blog? Get in touch with content writing and marketing experts from Twin Rams now. 





