
Graphic design is not an easy task to do on your own. However, in a world where 91% of consumers prefer visual content, entrepreneurs or small business owners need to keep up. If you don’t have the resources and budget to find a full-fledged graphic designer at the moment, you can start doing it on your own. Fortunately, there are a number of online platforms and tools that can make graphic design for entrepreneurs easier.

Online tools like Canva, Venggage, Figma, and more can help beginners and experienced designers create beautiful and engaging visual content. You can start creating images for blog posts, infographics, social media posts, online posters, digital ads, or more.

However, before you start, you might need a little more help. You need to be prepared when creating your own visual content. Here are five essential graphic design tips for entrepreneurs:

1. Stick to the branding

A business’ branding serves as the graphic design guidelines for the work you will do. Make sure to follow it while sprinkling the design with your own style and creativity. This means using the brand colors, as well as the fonts in every graphic. It’s important to be consistent.

If you’re using a pre-saved template from an online design platform, you have the option to change the colors and theme of the template. Add your branding colors and style instead. Images that are aligned with your visual brand identity or your business’ personal branding will boost brand awareness and appeal to your target audience. 

2. Utilize proper spacing

Having good spacing is essential when creating your design. This makes for a balanced composition. The spacing serves as the rule that aligns elements within your design. You don’t want your graphic to be too constrained. You also don’t want it to feel too sparse or lacking.

White space (or negative space) is also another element you need to pay attention to. Contrary to what people might think, white space isn’t just an empty space. It’s a way to be more creative with your graphics. You can use white space to add a background image, patterns, textures, color, or more. Use this wisely. 

3. Use icons to support the content

It’s also important to remember that while content is a big part of a graphic, it’s not everything that there is. Your audience wouldn’t want to see a graphic image filled with texts and texts only. You can use icons to support your content as well. Icons will be able to grab your audience’s attention and help the readers digest the information better. These can also help you organize the content in your design and come up with a more aesthetically pleasing design. 

4. Take advantage of copyright-free image sites

Creating high-quality visual content means you need high-quality images or backgrounds as well. Fortunately, there are multiple free stock image sites that entrepreneurs can take advantage of. This includes sites like Unsplash, Pexels, Pixabay, and more. This is where you can get high-quality images that are cleared to be used in blog posts, social media content, or other visual marketing materials.

5. Be aware of the latest design trends

Keeping up with the latest trends in graphic design can also be advantageous. As an entrepreneur or a small business owner, you can do your own research on the upcoming design trends, so you can stay updated. 

It also helps if you take a look at what big brands or other competitors are doing with their own graphics and visual content. Analyze their designs, how they incorporate branding styles, the trends they’re following, and the composition of their works. Learn from their techniques and know how you can apply them on your own. 

Consider these tips when you start designing your own graphics. It takes time and effort, but when you commit to the task, your visual content might just help your business stand out among the competition. 

For more graphic design needs, talk to the experts at Twin Rams now!




