
In this rapidly evolving landscape of digital marketing, businesses are relying on skilled professionals to navigate online promotion and visibility. At the heart of this dynamic field? It’s the digital marketing manager. This person can be comparable to a key architect when it comes to building a brand’s digital presence. But what is a digital marketing manager? What do they do? And how do you become one?

What is a digital marketing manager?

A digital marketing manager is a professional responsible for developing, implementing, managing, and overseeing digital marketing campaigns or overall strategy for brands, businesses, or organizations. Their primary goals are to maintain a brand’s online presence, drive online and website traffic, generate online leads, and enhance brand visibility through various digital channels and platforms.

Some of the responsibilities of a digital marketing manager include the following:

  • Campaign planning and strategy development
  • Execution and implementation of campaigns
  • Online advertising
  • Content marketing and creation
  • Social media management and analysis
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) management
  • Email marketing campaigns and management
  • Budget analysis and management
  • Collaboration and creating partnerships
  • Measuring and reporting analytics and performance
  • Team support and management
  • Identification or adoption of trends and insights
  • Evaluation and implementation of digital marketing tools and platforms

It’s important to remember that a digital marketing manager oversees all different parts of digital marketing elements and processes to maintain and optimize the digital presence of a brand. They can have an in-house team of marketing professionals, or they can outsource the best digital marketing services to help with a brand’s digital marketing campaigns and strategies. This position is dynamic and requires adaptability to keep up with the ever-evolving digital landscape.

What is the role of a digital marketing manager?

A digital marketing manager should have a combination of strategic thinking, creativity, technical skills, and a strong understanding of digital marketing tools and platforms. They should be able to understand various digital marketing processes and roles as well. This is so they can be able to oversee individual team members or tasks and complete campaigns successfully.

This means the role of a digital marketing manager encompasses a wide range of responsibilities. One thing in common, though, is that almost all of their responsibilities are aimed at promoting a business or organization in the digital space.

Here are the key aspects of their role and a glimpse of what a digital marketing manager does:

  1. Strategy development: They are responsible for formulating and executing an overarching or comprehensive digital marketing strategy aligned with the organization’s goals. This involves identifying target audiences, selecting appropriate digital channels, and defining key performance indicators (KPIs) for success.
  2. Campaign planning and management: A digital marketing manager plans, executes, and oversees various digital marketing campaigns for a brand. This includes online advertising campaigns (such as PPC (pay-per-click), display ads, and even social media ads), content marketing initiatives, organic social media campaigns, email marketing, and more.
  3. Content creation and optimization: Digital marketing managers often play a vital role in developing and optimizing content for digital platforms as well. This may involve creating engaging website content, online blog posts, social media updates, and other content materials. Effective content can attract the target audience and retain customers, which makes a digital marketing manager’s role more significant.
  4. Search engine optimization (SEO) management: They also work on various SEO strategies to improve the online visibility of the business in search engine results. This involves optimizing website content, meta tags, and other elements to enhance organic search rankings and organic traffic.
  5. Social media management: A digital marketing manager is also involved in a brand’s or organization’s presence on various social media platforms. This includes developing a social media strategy, creating and curating social media content, engaging with followers and audiences, keeping up with social media trends and features, as well as analyzing performance metrics.
  6. Email marketing campaign planning and management: They also design and implement email marketing campaigns for a business. This is done to attract and nurture leads, communicate with existing customers, promote products or services, and get feedback from various audiences. This email marketing role includes creating compelling email content and helping manage subscriber lists. A digital marketing account manager will also rely heavily on email marketing to connect with clients and build lasting relationships.
  7. Analytics, measurement, and reporting: Digital marketing managers use analytics tools to track the performance of digital marketing campaigns. This is important for digital marketing managers, as measurement and reporting contribute to future decisions and planning. They will analyze data to assess the success of initiatives, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions.
  8. Budget management: Digital marketing managers are also involved with budget planning for the team throughout the year. They allocate and manage the budget for digital marketing activities for various campaigns. This involves making strategic decisions about where to allocate resources for maximum impact and return on investment (ROI).
  9. Collaboration and coordination with teams: A digital marketing manager often needs to collaborate with other departments in a business or in an organization. This includes the sales teams, product development, customer service, and more. This is to ensure that digital marketing efforts align with overall business objectives. They might also collaborate with external teams for various digital marketing opportunities that will help propel the brand forward.
  10. Industry trends monitoring and implementation: The responsibility of monitoring industry discussions and keeping up to date with trends also falls within the role of a digital marketing manager. They need to stay updated on industry trends, emerging technologies, and changes in digital marketing platforms. This is because continuous learning and adaptation are crucial in the fast-paced digital landscape, and can help them perform their jobs better and lead their team to success.
  11. Digital platform and tool identification and evaluation: A digital marketing manager also identifies and evaluates various digital platforms and digital marketing tools. These things contribute to a digital marketing team’s efficiency and effectiveness, and it’s up to the digital marketing manager to decide which tools or platforms are worth investing in.
  12. Influencer marketing and management: Digital marketing managers may also work closely with social media specialists to facilitate influencer marketing. They will need to identify and evaluate which influencers and personalities best fit with the brand and the specific campaign. They would also need to check the content to see if it matches the brand’s standard and tone of voice and analyze the performance of influencer marketing campaigns.

At the end of the day, a digital marketing manager is vital to the digital success of businesses and organizations. From driving online visibility to attracting and retaining customers to joining digital discussions, and more, a digital marketing manager contributes to the overall success of a business in this modern age.

How much does a digital marketing manager make?

A digital marketing manager’s salary depends on a number of factors. This includes the location, the industry or niche, the size of the company, the individual’s level of experience, education, any certifications, additional skills, as well as the specific responsibilities expected from the role or job offer. It’s also important to note that this salary may fluctuate over time as the demand for digital marketing skills evolves.

Based on reports from Salary.com however, the average salary for a digital marketing manager in the United States falls between $123,157 and ranges from $105,961 to $140,205. Meanwhile, according to Indeed, related positions such as digital marketers have an average salary of $62,314 per year, and marketing managers have an average salary of $73,213 per year

Managers with several years of experience and expertise in specific areas like SEO or social media, and those working for larger corporations may tend to have higher salaries. Additional cash compensation may also be provided and will add to the average monthly salary for this role.

Of course, this is only a small viewpoint on how much a digital marketing manager earns. This may vary based on the factors and variables listed above.

How to become a digital marketing manager?

Becoming a digital marketing manager typically involves a combination of education, skills development, practical experience, and of course, a clear interest in and motivation for the field. If you want to pursue this role or dive into this career option, you need to be prepared.

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you become a digital marketing manager:

Step 1: Have an educational background

First, you’ll want to obtain a relevant bachelor’s degree. While it’s possible to enter the field without a specific degree, many employers might prefer candidates with a bachelor’s degree. To be a digital marketing manager, it’s recommended that you have a degree in marketing, business, communications, or other related fields. This will show determination and accomplishment.

You can consider pursuing a master’s degree as well. Some individuals choose to pursue a master’s degree in digital marketing, marketing management, or a related field. This can help people gain specialized knowledge and stand out in the job market.

Step 2: Gain relevant skills

Develop a strong understanding of digital marketing concepts, tools, and strategies. It’s important to acquire skills in areas such as SEO, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and analytics. This will also help you choose your path or specialization, advance in the field, and stand out among employers.

It’s also best to familiarize yourself with popular digital marketing platforms and tools. This includes Google Analytics, AdWords, social media management tools, and content management systems. Study these and make sure you know how to work with them.

Step 3: Build practical experience

Gain hands-on experience through internships, part-time jobs, or freelance work. This practical experience is crucial for applying theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.

You can also gain more experience by creating and managing your digital presence. This could include running a personal blog or website, managing social media profiles, or working on personal digital marketing projects.

Step 4: Stay updated on industry trends

It’s also recommended to follow industry blogs, attend webinars, and participate in conferences to stay informed about the latest trends and developments in digital marketing. This is also a good thing to practice even when you’ve been hired. This knowledge will help you stay competitive in the field.

Step 5: Networking

Building a professional network is also a must. You can do this by attending industry events, joining relevant online forums, and connecting with professionals in the field. Networking can provide valuable insights, mentorship, and job opportunities.

Step 6: Obtain certifications or continuing education

Consider obtaining certifications in specific digital marketing areas. Certifications from recognized organizations can enhance your credibility and showcase your expertise as a digital marketing professional. Examples include Google Ads certification, HubSpot Content Marketing certification, and more.

Continuing education programs or courses will also help digital marketing professionals learn new standards and keep the knowledge fresh and new in their minds.

Step 7: Develop leadership and communication skills

A good digital marketing manager often needs strong leadership and communication skills. You will need to work on developing your ability to lead teams and different kinds of people, communicate effectively, and collaborate with different departments and teams.

Step 8: Create a strong portfolio

You can also assemble a portfolio showcasing your digital marketing projects, achievements, and results. This portfolio can be a powerful tool when applying for jobs and demonstrating your capabilities to potential employers.

Step 9: Apply for entry-level positions

When you start applying, it’s best to start with entry-level positions in digital marketing. This includes positions such as digital marketing coordinator or specialist roles. Gain experience and gradually move up the career ladder towards the position of digital marketing manager.

Step 10: Pursue career advancement

And, of course, you can seek opportunities for professional development and advancement. This may involve taking on more responsibilities, pursuing advanced certifications, and staying informed about industry changes. Some might also venture into other related positions or specialties, such as a digital marketing account manager. This will help move your career forward and allow you to diversify your experience in the field.

In conclusion, being a digital marketing manager is vital to business success and growth, but you also have to be prepared for the responsibilities and duties that will fall on your shoulders.

Do you need more help with your marketing efforts as a lone digital marketing manager in 2024? Twin Rams Media experts are here to lend a hand! Talk to us today!




