
Link building is just one part of SEO (search engine optimization). It’s all about the marketing efforts and practices you do to receive links from other websites to your website (also known as inbound links or backlinks).

However, something as simple as getting these backlinks and building a good backlink profile can have quite a lasting impact on a brand’s website. High-quality backlinks improve the domain authority of a website, boost traffic, improve ranking, and more. This means that knowing link building tips and best practices is necessary if you want to maintain good SEO.

Link Building Tips and Strategies You Can Use

#1 Backlink outreach

Backlink outreach is the most common link building strategy and method of communicating with potential link partners. This is where marketers contact relevant websites and talk to them about linking to your site. This link building method needs a lot of patience and a strong message to work.

Here are a few tips on what you need to include in your message to the person in charge of the website’s content:

  • Start with a greeting and a good self-introduction.
  • Explain what makes your content unique, and what kind of value you can bring to their audience.
  • Provide a link suggestion to your content, as well as the page on their website where the backlink would fit.
  • Don’t forget to add your email signature and any necessary contact information so they can get back to you.

You can reach out to the person in charge via email or social media. But these should be the important parts of your message.

#2 Broken link building

Broken link building is also an effective way of link building for SEO. Broken links are bad for a website. Not only do they take away from the overall user experience, but they also bring down the SEO. This is because they can affect bounce rate, time spent on site, and even the passing of link juice. You can capitalize on these broken links on other websites, and offer a replacement of your own.

The process involves looking for broken external links on other websites. This might require a tool as well, instead of manually checking every page on a certain website. When you’ve found links that are related to you and your niche, you can offer them alternative links to your own website content.

#3 Creating content with valuable data

Another way to guarantee good backlinks is through your content. You need to make sure that you are creating content that provides valuable data. Marketers, writers, and more love using content with valuable data as a source.

Content like infographics, graphs, surveys, case studies, research results, reports, and more are all linkable information and good citations. You can also revisit and repurpose existing content to add more information or visual graphs. This is because these pieces of content usually contain numerical data, statistics, and results that others will find useful and significant. These kinds of content will help you secure good organic backlinks for your website.

#4 Keeping your content updated

Another way of using content for link building is to keep your website’s content updated. This is because people want linkable content that is up-to-date, relevant, and valuable. You don’t want to lose your current backlinks because your content has become outdated and misinformed. After all, it’s also important to note that link building isn’t always about getting new backlinks. It’s also about maintaining the good backlinks you already have.

#5 Offering your expertise to other websites

If you’re confident enough in your knowledge and expertise, you can also offer to write or be a part of another website’s content. This is another type of email outreach. However, instead of offering a simple backlink, you’re offering your expertise.

You can reach out to the person in charge of the website’s content and offer your expertise on a piece of content. You can offer to write guest articles, participate in an exclusive interview, participate in their podcast, and more. You can get link building opportunities in the content itself, the author bios, podcast descriptions, interview information, transcriptions, and more.

#6 Joining and getting involved in events

As a brand or an aspiring thought leader, are you getting involved with industry events? If not, then you’re missing out on a lot of opportunities—especially backlinking opportunities. Joining events gives you a chance to put your brand out there and get good backlinks from industry experts, organizations, and more.

You can join podcasts as a guest, attend an industry event as a sponsor or exhibitor, host online events, or join other experts in a webinar or YouTube live stream. There are a lot of ways you can get involved with events and more ways you can get backlinks from reputable and well-known websites.

#7 Sharing press releases

Press releases are also a good link building strategy. These are a good way to highlight a company milestone, event, or any development in the company’s history. Press releases help boost brand awareness, boost SEO, and build a good brand reputation.

You can get a good backlink by posting press releases on relevant news sites, media publications, and more. You can also reach out to respected journalists or bloggers to cover the company story or news for you.

#8 Help a Reporter Out (HARO)

Lastly, the website Help A Reporter Out, or HARO, is another surefire way of getting excellent backlinks. HARO sends out alerts or notifications whenever journalists or publications are looking for good experts as a source for their content.

Media outlets and publications such as TIME, Mashable, The New York Times, WSJ, Refinery29, ABC, and more all utilize HARO. By signing up as a source, you can get a lot of media opportunities and link building opportunities from more than 75,000 journalists and bloggers. Just make sure to respond as quickly as possible, and provide valuable information that journalists need for their piece. Placing in an article would mean getting backlinks from highly authoritative publications. A good addition to your overall SEO link building strategy.

Link building takes time and effort, yes. But with these link building tips and strategies, you should be able to build a good backlink profile for your website.

If you need more help with search engine optimization and SEO best practices and link building tips, let our experts help. Talk to Twin Rams today.






