
Most people don’t immediately think of Pinterest when talking about social media marketing. But did you know that Pinterest is an excellent avenue for brand awareness? Pinterest is a social media platform that allows its users to explore, share, and store visual content that is inspiring, entertaining, and helpful to them. It has over half a billion users and is known as the third-fastest growing social media platform right now. As a business owner or an entrepreneur, you should know how to use Pinterest marketing to your advantage!

What is Pinterest marketing?

Pinterest marketing involves using Pinterest as a platform to promote and market a brand, product, or service. This type of marketing leverages the visual nature of Pinterest, where users (also called “Pinners”) discover, save, and share ideas and inspiration through images and videos, known as “Pins.” This is also why a lot of people—individuals, professionals, and businesses alike—use Pinterest as a moodboarding tool to showcase ideas, events, concepts, and visions. 

Here are some key elements of Pinterest marketing:

  • Creating a business account – This includes setting up a Pinterest Business account to access analytics and advertising features. Optimizing the profile with a clear business name, logo, and description is also a must.
  • Understanding your audience – Identifying the target audience and understanding their interests and behavior on Pinterest is also a key element. Use Pinterest Analytics to gather insights into what content resonates with your audience.
  • Creating Pins – Create visually appealing and high-quality Pins that reflect your brand and products. Use descriptive titles, detailed descriptions, and relevant keywords to make Pins searchable. Include a call-to-action (CTA) or include a link to encourage engagement and drive traffic back to a website.
  • Boards and organizations – Create thematic boards to organize Pins and make it easy for users to find relevant content. Use board titles and descriptions with keywords to improve discoverability for audiences.
  • Pinning strategy – Having a “pinning’ strategy is key to a consistent and effective presence on the platform. Pin consistently and regularly to keep your audience engaged. Mix your content with curated content to provide value and inspiration to followers. Use rich Pins (e.g., Product Pins, Article Pins, Recipe Pins) to provide more information directly on the Pin.
  • SEO and keywords – Optimize Pins and boards with relevant keywords to improve search visibility. Researching trending keywords and incorporating them into Pin descriptions and titles is also an essential part of Pinterest marketing.
  • Engagement and community building – Engage with followers by responding to comments and messages. Collaborate with other Pinners and influencers to expand your reach. Join group boards to increase visibility and interaction.
  • Pinterest Ads – Pinterest Ads are also another way to reach a wider audience. Explore different ad formats, such as Promoted Pins, Video Pins, and Carousel Pins. Utilize Pinterest’s targeting options to reach specific demographics and interests.
  • Analytics and performance tracking – Monitor performance through Pinterest Analytics to understand what content is performing well. Track metrics such as impressions, saves, clicks, and conversions. Adjust strategies based on insights to optimize performance.
  • Driving traffic and conversions – Use Pins to drive traffic to your website, blog, or e-commerce store. Optimize landing pages for conversions to ensure a seamless user experience.

By effectively using Pinterest marketing, businesses can increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, create loyal fans, and boost sales.

Is Pinterest still good for marketing?

Pinterest is a visually-driven platform that encourages discovery and inspiration. This makes Pinterest a valuable platform for marketing even in 2024. Here are some reasons why marketing on Pinterest remains effective:

  • Showcasing Products and Services: Pinterest’s visual nature is perfect for displaying high-quality images and videos of products and services. Pinterest also reported that 96% of top searches are unbranded, giving small businesses and lesser-known brands better chances to be discovered.
  • Infographics and Tutorials: Brands can create and share informative content like infographics, step-by-step tutorials, and how-to guides, which are popular on the platform.
  • Research and Planning: Users often use Pinterest to plan projects, events, and purchases. This makes them more likely to engage with content that aligns with their goals.
  • Purchasing Decisions: Pinners are often in the consideration phase of their buying journey. This makes them more receptive to marketing messages and product recommendations. Brands with Pinterest Catalogs even receive five times more impressions on their product pins, leading to better chances of conversion and action.
  • Evergreen Content: Pins can resurface in users’ feeds and search results long after they are first posted, continuing to drive traffic and engagement.
  • Continuous Traffic: Unlike posts on platforms like Twitter or Facebook, Pins have a long lifespan and can keep generating traffic to your website over time.
  • Visual Search: Pinterest’s visual search tool allows users to search for items within images, making it easier for users to find products they are interested in. In fact, according to Sprout Social, 80% of weekly Pinners have discovered a new product or brand on the platform.
  • Diverse Ad Formats: There are multiple ad formats that can match various goals or objectives. This includes Promoted Pins, Video Pins, Carousel Pins, and Shopping Ads. It’s also been reported that Pinterest Ads have delivered a 2x higher return on ad spend for retail brands, and a 2.3x more efficient cost per conversion.
  • Rich Analytics: Pinterest Analytics can give you insights on how Pins are performing and if they are effective. Users can see audience insights to better understand demographics and interests. Pin Performance tracks metrics such as impressions, saves, clicks, and engagement rates. This is similar to Website Traffic Insights.
  • Diverse Demographics: While Pinterest has traditionally been popular among women, its user base is diversifying, with more men and younger users joining the platform.
  • Global Reach: Pinterest has a strong international presence. For example, there are 89.9 million users of Pinterest in the United States alone. There are also 38 million users in Brazil, 24 million users in Mexico, almost 20 million users in Germany, and 17 million in France. This kind of global reach allows businesses to reach audiences around the world.
  • Integration with E-commerce: Businesses can upload their product catalogs to Pinterest or use Product Tags, turning their Pins into shoppable content. This also allows users to click on products within an image to buy them, making it easier for businesses to convert interest into sales. According to Sprout Social, 85% of weekly Pinners have made a purchase from branded pins or pins with Product Tags.
  • Community Fostering and Collaboration: Collaborating on group boards can increase exposure and engagement, as Pins from these boards can reach a broader audience. Partnering with influencers can also help amplify your reach and build credibility with your target audience.
  • Growing Mobile Usage: Mobile users grow every year. Pinterest, which has a dedicated mobile app and easily digestible content, can cater to these mobile-first audiences.

What businesses do best on Pinterest?

Pinterest marketing, without a doubt, is especially beneficial for businesses in fashion, home decor, food, and other visually appealing industries. This versatile platform can benefit a wide range of businesses and individuals, allowing them to leverage its high visual appeal and discovery-oriented nature.

Here are several types of businesses that can find success by marketing on Pinterest:

  1. Fashion and Apparel: Clothing brands can showcase their collections, style guides, and fashion trends.
  2. Home Decor and Furniture: Home decor and furniture companies can display interior design ideas, furniture pieces, home design moodboards, and decorating tips.
  3. Beauty and Cosmetics: Cosmetic brands can also use Pinterest marketing to share makeup tutorials, skincare routines, product highlights, aesthetic designs and styles, and more.
  4. Jewelry and Accessories: Businesses can highlight their jewelry designs, styling ideas, or seasonal collections.
  5. Restaurants and Cafes: Restaurants and other food retail establishments can showcase menus, special dishes, and dining experiences.
  6. Food Bloggers and Recipe Creators: Food enthusiasts and chef personalities can share food photos, new recipes, cooking tips, and meal planning ideas.
  7. Food and Beverage Brands: Food and beverage brands can use Pinterest marketing to highlight products, usage ideas, and pairing suggestions.
  8. Hotels and Resorts: Those in the tourism sector can highlight their amenities, room views, and local attractions.
  9. Travel Agencies and Travel Bloggers: They can promote travel destinations, vacation packages, and travel tips. They can also share travel itineraries, destination guides, and travel hacks.
  10. Technology and Gadget Companies: These companies can highlight product features, user guides, and tech tips. They can also share product reviews, comparisons, and tech news.
  11. Real Estate and Interior Design Brands: Real estate companies and professionals can showcase property listings, home staging tips, lifestyle moodboards, and neighborhood highlights. They can also provide design inspiration, renovation tips, and before-and-after transformations to their audiences.
  12. Educational Institutions or Learning Professionals: Those in the education sector can promote courses, campus life, and educational resources. They can also share course content, learning tips, and student success stories. Professionals can also share educational resources, study guides, and teaching tips.

How to create content on Pinterest?

Creating effective content on Pinterest involves understanding the platform’s visual nature and user behavior, especially that of your own audience. Your content, or your Pins, will be a big part of your Pinterest marketing strategy.

Take a look at these tips on creating compelling content and an effective Pinterest marketing strategy:

1. Set Up and Optimize Your Profile

Make sure you have a Pinterest Business account to access analytics and advertising features. Use a clear business name, professional logo, and a concise, keyword-rich description of your business.

2. Research and Plan Your Content

Identify your target audience as well as their interests and interactions on the platform. Use Pinterest Analytics to understand what types of content they engage with. You can also use Pinterest’s search bar to find popular keywords related to your niche. Incorporate these keywords into your Pins, boards, and profile.

3. Create High-Quality Pins

Use high-resolution images or attention-grabbing graphics to ensure your Pins are visually attractive to the audience. Remember that bright, high-contrast images perform well. Use consistent colors, fonts, and styles that reflect your brand identity. Utilizing design tools like Canva or Adobe Spark is also recommended to create professional-looking Pins. Templates, for example, can help maintain a consistent look for Pins.

4. Diversify Your Content Types and Pins

Make sure to diversify the content you post when you’re marketing on Pinterest. Standard Pins are single images or graphics that link to your content. Video Pins are short, engaging videos that can demonstrate products, share tutorials, or tell stories. Carousel Pins refer to multiple images within one Pin, which is ideal for showcasing a series of related products or a step-by-step process. Story Pins, on the other hand, are multi-page Pins that allow for more detailed content and storytelling.

It’s also best to keep your actual content topics and categories diverse. Provide value through educational content like how-tos, tutorials, and informative posts. Share content that inspires and engages your audience, such as lifestyle images, quotes, and aspirational visuals. Make sure to also include a clear call-to-action (CTA) in your Pins to encourage users to take the next step, whether it’s visiting your website, making a purchase, or signing up for a newsletter.

5. Create and Organize Boards

Create boards around specific themes or categories that are relevant to your business and audience. Use descriptive, keyword-rich titles and descriptions for your boards. Regularly add new Pins to your boards and organize them to make it easy for users to find relevant content.

6. Schedule Your Pins

Maintain a consistent or regular posting schedule with a social media calendar. Pin during times when your audience is most active. You can also use Pinterest Analytics to determine the best times to post.

7. Leverage SEO on Pinterest

For keyword research, use tools like Pinterest Trends to identify popular keywords in your niche. Include these keywords in your Pin titles, descriptions, and board names to improve discoverability. You can also use relevant hashtags to increase the reach of your Pins.

8. Engage with Your Audience

Engage with the audience who comments on your Pins to build community and foster relationships. You can also collaborate with influencers in your niche to reach a broader audience and gain credibility. Participate in group boards to increase your reach and connect with other Pinners in your niche.

9. Leverage Seasonal Trends and Events

Create and Pin content that aligns with seasonal trends, holidays, and events relevant to your audience. This will allow you to reach more people and boost brand awareness. Develop Pins based on major events or themes that are timely and relevant. This increases the chances of engagement and shares.

10. Utilize User-Generated Content

Encouraging user participation is also recommended in Pinterest marketing. Ask your audience to create and share content related to your brand, products, or services. Showcase and highlight the user-generated content on your Pinterest boards to build community and authenticity.

11. Monitor and Analyze Performance

Track metrics such as impressions, saves, clicks, and overall engagement. Identify which types of content perform best for your audience and refine your strategy accordingly. You can also continuously test different types of Pins, designs, and post times to see what works best for your Pinterest marketing strategy.

12. Promote Your Pins

Use Promoted Pins to reach a larger audience. Experiment with different ad formats, like Video Pins and Carousel Pins. Of course, you can also share your Pinterest content on other social media platforms and your website to drive traffic to your Pins.

Pinterest marketing is an ideal platform for visual-oriented brands to reach their audience and boost brand perception. By implementing these strategies and continually refining your approach, you can effectively leverage Pinterest as a powerful marketing tool.

Do you need more help with digital marketing strategies? Contact Twin Rams Media today and talk to the marketing experts that can help boost your business.




