
If you’re looking for a convenient way to market your business while also increasing conversions and improving brand awareness, you need content marketing. It can help you achieve all those goals and more. It’s even more important when a business has a website. 

Let’s dive into content marketing–—its definition, the types, and the reasons why you need it for your business.

What is content marketing?

Neil Patel, co-founder of NP Digital and one of the top 10 marketers by Forbes, describes content marketing as “a long-term strategy that focuses on building strong relationships with your target audience by consistently delivering high-quality, relevant content that educates and, ultimately, sells.”

Meanwhile, Semrush, the online visibility management and SaaS platform, describes it as “a long-term digital strategy that aims to generate attention and interest in your brand.”

While the said mar has no exact textbook definition, its principle is straightforward. It is an approach that consists of creating, publishing, and distributing valuable and relevant content to attract your audience and drive them to take some form of action. This can include actions like buying, signing up, contacting a salesperson, and more. The ultimate goal is to attract attention and sell. Whether it’s your story, your services, or your products.

Types of content marketing

There are various types of content you can include when building a content strategy. Here are some of the most common content marketing types utilized by marketers:


Blogs are some of the most popular and widely used when it comes to content marketing. Blogs are versatile tools. Marketers can use them to tell a story, educate and inform the audience, attract prospects, retain customers, promote products and services, and encourage people to sign up or learn more. 

Website content 

Web content refers to the content you have on your website. The text and images on your home page, your service pages, product pages, and other landing pages are also part of your content. All of these count and can make a difference.

Social media content

In 2021, 4.26 billion social media users worldwide were recorded. This is one of the reasons why social media is included in most marketing strategies. Brands and businesses can be found on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Youtube, and Twitter, where they can connect with their audience through their content.


Videos are also common content among brands. Video content is an effective marketing tool, especially when you consider that videos are the second most used media type (61%) by B2C marketers in the last 12 months.


Podcasts allow brands and people to get creative, and it’s no surprise that there has been a rise in podcast listeners in recent years. There are over 60 million combined monthly listeners between Spotify and Apple Podcasts. You can use this as a medium to talk about industry news, share your expertise, entertain people, and more. 

Offline marketing

Offline content is also as effective as those published online. This includes posters, banners, big billboards, and TV commercials. These offline materials are beneficial, especially when they’re done creatively or uniquely. People at the mall, in the park, or at home will see this offline content and help spread the word. 

Reasons why content marketing is important for your business

With several types you can do, content can slowly be integrated into your strategy. Take a look at the reasons why you need to have content marketing for your business: 

It will increase leads and sales

Generating leads and increasing sales through content is a big benefit for a business. Your content is a good way to inform the audience, and then place calls-to-actions or CTAs that will then generate leads for your business. According to the Content Marketing Institute, content marketing generates three times as many leads as traditional outbound marketing. And here is another surprise: it costs 62% less.

It can improve brand awareness and loyalty

Consistently publishing high-quality content can impact brand awareness and loyalty among your audience. At one point, you’ll be able to reach more people, target a specific group of people, and engage with them no matter where they are in their buying journey. 

On the other hand, this will also help you improve your brand loyalty. With every piece of content you publish, you have the chance to connect and engage with your audience, highlight your story and your brand, and do more than just merely promote your products and services. You can be much more personal and approachable. 

It can help you establish industry authority and expertise

Content marketing is a great way to establish your authority and expertise as well. Not just as a brand or business, but also as an individual in your field. You can use your content to share insights and highly-valuable information that your audience is looking for. In turn, your audience will start to trust your brand more and recognize you as an industry expert. 

It will contribute to your SEO

Good content, of course, will lead to better SEO or search engine optimization. Your content can give you the visibility you need to rise above the competition in search results. The better your SEO standing, the better your chances are of getting more traffic and raising awareness for your business. 

No matter which angle you look at it from, content marketing is here to support your business in every way. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to grow your business with it!

Talk to professionals for help. Contact Twin Rams today and let’s talk about your content marketing!





